3 Questions to Understand Immunotherapy

Immunotherapy – treatment that use the immune system to fight diseases like cancer – is a hot topic in the news and medical research area in recent years. Some of the most promising advances in cancer research involve immunotherapies. Let’s take a closer look at this innovative approach and the…...

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Simple, Fresh and Tasty Summer Salad

Summer, as wonderful as it is, can bring high heat, humidity and higher levels of physical activity, making unappealing even moderately heavy meals. As a result, it’s perhaps the only time of year that the environment deeply promotes the innate desire to eat healthy. Unfortunately, it’s also often the case…...

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5 Facts about Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer is cancer that impacts the 10-inch-long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. That important track is vital to survive, and used daily, but esophageal cancer is shockingly referred to as a silent killer. Most people with esophageal cancer show no symptoms until after the cancer has…...

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5 Questions with Dr. Sujuan Ba, Founder & CEO of the Asian Fund for Cancer Research

“5 Questions With…” is a weekly BioBuzz series where we reach out to interesting people in the BioHealth Capital Region to share a little about themselves, their work, and maybe something completely unrelated. This week we welcome 5 Questions with Dr. Sujuan Ba, Founder & CEO of the Asian Fund…...

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Convergence of Western Science and Traditional Chinese Medicine — Botanical Cancer Drug Platform

THE CHALLENGE —Unmet Medical Need for Holistic Cancer Treatment Cancer is a heterogeneous disease. Heterogeneity in cancer is not limited to differences between different patients, but also occurs within a single patient. This intrapatient or intratumoral heterogeneity can present great challenges for cancer treatment. This complexity limits the effectiveness of…...

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Asian Fund for Cancer Research Announces Inaugural 2020 BRACE Award Venture Competition Winner 

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 7 April 2021 CONTACTS: Asian Fund for Cancer Research Bradley Gillenwater, Senior Director for Corporate Engagement E-mail: [email protected] Hugill & Ip Solicitors Marco Raccuia, Head of Finance & Operations E-mail: [email protected] Asian Fund for Cancer Research Announces Inaugural BRACE Award Venture Competition Winner  Gastrointestinal Cancer Drug Developer…...

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Therapeutic Vaccines Showed Long-term Anti-Cancer Effects for Melanoma

When people hear the word “vaccine”, they often think about vaccine’s preventive function that protects people from getting infectious diseases such as flu, hepatitis or Covid-19. It’s true that traditional vaccines are developed to prevent infectious diseases, but innovative scientists are developing therapeutic vaccines that can treat various non-infectious diseases,…...

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The Benefits of Juicing: Fact vs Fiction

No matter who you are or where you live, everyone can benefit by following one simple rule: eat more vegetables!  But is juicing also beneficial? To keep it simple, the Asian Fund for Cancer Research has broken down some myths and spelled out the facts. Can I consume my fruits…...

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Alcohol and Cancer

Which cancers are related to alcohol usage? The more alcohol one drinks, the higher their risk of cancer. Alcohol intake has been proven to be directly correlated with cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and of course, breast. It is likely that alcohol intake also increases…...

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Applications Open for the 2021 AIM-HI Women’s Venture Competition!

Working with our strategic partners, the National Foundation for Cancer Research and AIM-HI Accelerator Fund (AIM-HI), AFCR have launched the inaugural Women’s Venture Competition in 2020. The AIM-HI Women’s Venture Competition is a first-of-its-kind program that combines extensive coaching, networking and financial opportunities to accelerate female-led oncology innovations onto the path to clinical…...

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