No single food can protect you against cancer by itself. But research shows that a diet filled with a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, beans, and other plant foods helps lower the risk for many cancers. In laboratory studies, many individual minerals, vitamins, and phytochemicals demonstrate anti-cancer effects. APPLES…...
5 Facts about Esophageal Cancer
Esophageal cancer is cancer that impacts the 10-inch-long tube that connects the mouth to the stomach. That important track is vital to survive, and used daily, but esophageal cancer is shockingly referred to as a silent killer. Most people with esophageal cancer show no symptoms until after the cancer has…...
Alcohol and Cancer
Which cancers are related to alcohol usage? The more alcohol one drinks, the higher their risk of cancer. Alcohol intake has been proven to be directly correlated with cancers of the mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, rectum, and of course, breast. It is likely that alcohol intake also increases…...
Cancer and Diet: Does it Really Matter?
Living a healthy life can be challenging when there are seemingly endless fad diets, do’s and don’ts, celebrity tips, and kitchen hacks. It can all seem a little overwhelming. The truth is that being healthy is not as difficult or restrictive as people are led to believe. These excessively restrictive…...
Cancer-Fighting Food Feature: Brussels Sprouts
Research shows that a compound in brussels sprouts may help restrict tumor growth by blocking aggressive enzymes known to advance cancer growth. The enzymes weaken the genes that suppress tumors and keep them from spreading. This compound found in brussels sprouts allows tumor suppressors to continue doing their job. Try…...
Protection from UV Rays
AFCR encourages everyone to wear sunglasses, sunscreen, and wide-brimmed hats whenever spending prolonged time outdoors. Be prepared! If you are planning to spend time outside, pay attention to the day’s UV Index and take appropriate precautions. • Make sure your sunglasses block 99 to 100 percent of both types of…...