
Cancer Research Program Needs Your Help!

2022 has been a challenging year and filled with many distractions, and why I’m following up with you on an important update, I recently sent you.  I hope you received the e-newsletter introducing AFCR’s Gastrointestinal cancers research and the exciting news that a new drug for Phase I clinical trial…...

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New antibody therapy shows promising results for advanced, treatment-refractory pediatric brain cancer

Effective and safe treatments are needed for medulloblastoma—the most common type of cancerous brain tumor in children—especially for patients whose cancer has spread to the spinal cord. A recent phase I clinical trial led by researchers at Atrium Health Levine Children’s Hospital and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) has generated promising…...

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Therapeutics – anticancer system capable of loco-regional delivery of drug product

Privo Technologies, Inc. is focused on changing the oncology treatment paradigm with its Programmed Release Vehicle (PRV) technology....

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YIV-906: Therapeutics—first-in-class botanical cancer platform drug

Ongoing since 2020 Company Overview Innovation: Therapeutics—first-in-class botanical cancer platform drug Targeted Cancer(s): Liver cancer Scientific Leadership: Yung-Chi Cheng, Ph.D.; Shwu-Huey Liu, Ph.D. Stage of Project: Phase II clinical trial about to commence; orphan drug designations granted by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Opportunity YIV-906 is a botanical cancer drug that can…...

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免疫療法. 血管新生. 精準醫學. 基因組檢測. 生物標記. 治療性抗體工程. CAR T細胞療法. 十五年前,在亞洲癌症研究基金會有限公司(AFCR)剛剛成立的那個時代,這些醫學術語還不為人知,人們也根本不會將其與癌症聯繫在一起。 在像您一樣慷慨支持癌症研究的朋友的協助下,科研人員得以開展癌症研究,不斷取得新突破,如今這些術語有了真正的涵義:許癌症患者一個更健康的未來。 因此,在新年代開始之際,本基金會希望向你們——我們在這一旅程中最重要的夥伴——重申我們的願景和決心。 當前許多最具前景的抗癌臨床技術在十年前都還只是科學家在實驗室里開展的前瞻性項目,但大家看看這些技術已形成多麼重大的影響! 試想,您此時對癌症科研的貢獻將為十年後的癌症患者創造怎樣的奇蹟?那必定是拯救生命,讓患者家人團聚、友誼長存。 籌集的善款將用於資助科學家開展前景廣闊的創新研究,研製療效更佳的新藥物和新療法,並推動癌症早期檢測技術的改良和開發。 自2020年起,本基金會將為以下科研項目提供資助,包括但不限於: 利用多功能抗體攻克疑難雜症:為現有癌症療法治療無效或治療後複發的患者群體開發更精準的治療方案。 「構建癌症研究從學術到實業的橋樑」(BRACE)研究項目:該項目旨在表彰能把在學術研究實驗室取得的突破性進展轉化成癌症診斷及治療新技術的科學創新成果。 實現中草藥現代化,使其成為國際公認的研究領域和藥物:YIV-906抗癌藥物可增強免疫治療、化療和放療的抗腫瘤活性,或將成為未來癌症治療的骨幹藥物。 本基金會與合作夥伴美國癌症研究基金會(NFCR)開展的藥物研發合作項目:設計和合成新一代抑制劑,阻斷在多種癌症中存在的主要癌症生長路徑,同時消除患者耐藥性。 諸如此類的創新研究項目可以帶來顛覆行業、挽救生命的癌症診斷、預防和治療技術。眾所周知,癌症研究是一場曠日持久的戰爭,從創意到治療方法再到檢測療效都需投入大量時間。要想取得最終的勝利,專家團隊和志同道合之友也必不可少,包括伸出援手的各位。 因此,大家一如既往的珍貴支持對我們至關重要。今天也請您繼續為本基金會慷慨解囊,資助傑出熱忱的研究人員開展尖端科研工作,幫助他們實現戰勝所有癌症的抱負。...

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Celebrating International Women’s Day

March 8 is International Women’s Day—a global day celebrating the historical, cultural, and political achievements of women. AFCR is a proud supporter of women in the field of oncology, and we want to take this opportunity to specially show our appreciation to all women who have made an impact in…...

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Support Cancer Research, Become the Link in a Chain of Hope!

With only two weeks left in 2019, you still have a chance to advance life-saving cancer research by making our 2019 Give to Cure Cancer Year-End Campaign the most successful ever. You’ve been a good and loyal friend to the Asian Fund for Cancer Research. Because of your generosity, we’re…...

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Nerves could be key to pancreatic cancer spread

A couple of molecules that nerve cells use to grow during development could help explain why the most common pancreatic cancers are so difficult to contain and for patients to survive, a new study led by Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center researchers suggests. The findings could lead to new ways to…...

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What promising cancer research may go unfunded this year… unless you help?

I am writing today to ask for your 2019 Annual Fund renewal gift to the Asian Fund for Cancer Research, and your decision is absolutely crucial! Right now, talented scientists are waiting for funding to pursue potentially life-saving research projects. Generous friends like you will help determine which investigations will…...

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Support Cancer Research

Our tireless fight against cancer is nothing without you. You see, we rely almost exclusively on the individual generosity of people like you for the dollars to fund our innovative cancer research programs. AFCR does not accept government grants or rely on pharmaceutical corporate dollars to fund our cutting-edge science…...

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