Anne Li 5/20/17 Walk in to a local shop or supermarket tomorrow and a mainstay of shelves will be missing forever. As of May 20, it’s illegal for retailers to…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 A drug holds lung cancer at bay longer after surgery than standard chemotherapy, according to unpublished results of a new trial(link is external) in China.…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 Vaccination against the human papillomavirus (HPV) can significantly reduce levels of oral HPV infection. A study found that young adults in the US who hadn’t been vaccinated were around 14…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 From May 20, all tobacco products sold in the UK will come in plain standardised packaging, as decades of harmful marketing tactics by the tobacco…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 This week, Cancer Research UK's News Digest gives us updates on Zika virus, sunscreen, immunotherapy drugs, smoking, obesity, 3D printing, bowel cancer, and finally….. breast milk? This week's number is 5,…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 There’s a lot of confusing information and advice out there around sugar. It’s been made the villain of our diet, but where does the consensus lie…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 In a revolutionary first, Cancer Research UK-funded scientists will test whether the Zika virus can destroy brain tumour cells, potentially leading to new treatments for one of the hardest to treat cancers.…...
Anne Li 5/20/17 Glioblastoma is the most common type of brain tumour. It’s also the hardest to treat. One of the reasons for this is that drugs used…...